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2023 Taxpayer Information Form
2023 Business Use of Home Worksheet
2023 Rental Property Organizer
Do you plan to donate your time to charity this summer? If you travel for it, you may be able to lower your taxes. Here are some tax tips that you should know about deducting charity-related travel expenses.
There are many reasons why you may need a copy of your tax return information from a prior year. Transcripts are free and available for the most current tax year after the IRS has processed the return. You can also get them for the past three tax years. If you don’t have your copy, the IRS can help.
Read more: How to Get a Copy of Your Prior Year Tax Information
Bartering is the trading of one product or service for another. Often there is no exchange of cash. Some businesses barter to get products or services they need. For example, a gardener might trade landscape work with a plumber for plumbing work.
If you barter, you should know that the value of products or services from bartering is normally taxable income. This is true even if you are not in business.
WASHINGTON — Aggressive and threatening phone calls by criminals impersonating IRS agents remain a major threat to taxpayers, headlining the annual "Dirty Dozen" list of tax scams for the 2016 filing season, the Internal Revenue Service announced today.